STREAMin³ Gazette

Stay up to date with the STREAMin³ monthly newsletter

August 2024 Issue

Topic: Our ’24-’25 professional development series launched this month! Check out all of the PD opportunities available this year, including training on the NEW Digital Curriculum Portal.


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Topic: Learn about the new digital curriculum portal, now available!

Go to July Gazette

Topic: Thank you for joining us in the 2023-2024 year! The NEW Digital Curriculum Portal is coming soon!

Go to June Gazette

Curriculum Corner: Learn about the Make-it-Your-Own Weeks & Plan for Summer!

Other topics: New On Demand learning page is available, May’s Wednesday Webinar discusses Supporting Every Learner & Family, upcoming and ongoing PD opportunities; teaching tips highlighting The Talking Stick; RR7 Community Photos

Go to May Gazette

Curriculum Corner: Learn about taking STREAMin³ Outdoors!

Other topics: On Demand learning is moving to a new platform in April, March’s Wednesday Webinar discusses Supporting the Core Skills Outdoors, upcoming and ongoing PD opportunities; teaching tips highlighting Provocations; RR1 Community Photos

Go to April Gazette

Spotlight Feature: Meet Sheerley, owner of Happy House Childcare in Manassas.

Other topics: On Demand learning is moving to a new platform in April, March’s Wednesday Webinar discusses Supporting the Core Skills Through Dramatic Play, upcoming and ongoing PD opportunities; teaching tips highlighting ECE Resource Hub Books; RR4 Community Photos

Go to March Gazette

Spotlight Feature: Happy birthday to The New E3 School

Other topics: What to look forward to for February’s Wednesday Webinar; upcoming and ongoing professional development opportunities; teaching tips to help increase engagement and intentional interactions; Regional Recap focusing on Loudoun County Parks, Recreation, and Community Services. 

Go to February’s Gazette

Spotlight Feature | Monthly Wednesday Webinar Series – Made To Be Modified | Professional Development Sessions | Curriculum Corner | Teaching Tips RR6 | Community Photos RR7 | On-Demand Learning Courses | Helpful Resources | Heard In The Field

Go to January’s Gazette

Spotlight Feature | Monthly Wednesday Webinar Series | Up-coming PD Opportunities, Trainer Support, and On Demand Training | Curriculum Corner | Teaching Tips RR6 | Regional Recap RR6 | Community Photos RR6 | New On-Demand Learning Courses | Helpful Resources | Heard In The Field

Go to December’s Gazette

Spotlight Feature | Monthly Wednesday Webinar Series | Up-coming PD Opportunities | Curriculum Corner | New On-Demand Learning Courses | Teaching Tips RR5 | Regional Recap RR5 | Community Photos RR5 | Helpful Resources | Heard In The Field

Go to November’s Gazette

Monthly Wednesday Webinar Series | PD Opportunities for Educators and Leaders | Curriculum Corner | Spotlight Feature | Teaching Tips RR4 | Regional Recap RR4 | Community Photos RR4 | Helpful Resources | Heard In The Field

Go to October’s Gazette

Onboarding Thank You’s | PD Offerings | Monthly Webinar Series | Curriculum Corner | Spotlight Feature | Story Teaching Tips | Regional Recap | Community Photos | Helpful Resources | Heard In The Field

Go to September’s Gazette

Want To Know More?

We are excited to announce that, through support and funding from the 
Virginia Department of Education, STREAMinis currently available as an option
for publicly-funded birth-to-five programs in Virginia at low-to-no cost.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
(855) 787-6463 |