The STREAMin³ Crosswalks
We are aligned with a range of developmental and teaching frameworks used in the early childhood education field.
How We Fit With Other Tools
STREAMin³ is grounded in the research on the skills and interactions that children need to be successful in kindergarten and beyond. Naturally, we are aligned with the quality developmental and teaching frameworks used in the early childhood field.
Curious to see how STREAMin³ fits with the tools you use in your program? Explore the links below to see how these frameworks, standards and assessments are compared with STREAMin³.
Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework
The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) (2015) is organized around five central domains of development for infant/toddlers and preschoolers. Use the crosswalk to review the alignment between the ELOF and STREAMin³.

Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS)
Virginia’s comprehensive standards for young children (from birth to age five) focus on 5 areas of development. See how the STREAMin³ curriculum covers them.
- ELDS Preschool Crosswalk
- ELDS Preschool STREAM Group Activities Crosswalk
- ELDS Preschool STREAM Group Activities Focus Area Crosswalk
- ELDS Preschool Activity Cards Crosswalk
- ELDS Preschool Small Group Story
- ELDS STREAM Games Crosswalk
- --------------------------
- ELDS Infant and Toddler Crosswalk
- ELDS Toddler STREAM Group Activities Crosswalk
- ELDS Toddler STREAM Group Activities Focus Area Crosswalk
- ELDS Infant Activity Cards Crosswalk
- ELDS Toddler Activity Cards Crosswalk

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Class®) is a tool used to measure the quality of teacher-child interactions in infant, toddler and preschool classrooms. There is significant overlap in the effective teaching practices outlined by both the CLASS® and STREAMin³. Begin to make basic connections with these charts that show the alignment.

Virginia Language and Litearcy Screening System (VALLSS)
VALLSS is a partnership between the University of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Education, and school divisions across the Commonwealth. VALLSS measures components aligned with the newest research that are key for reading comprehension.

Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP)
VKRP is a partnership between the University of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Education, and school divisions across the Commonwealth. VKRP expands the assessments of children beyond literacy to include the school readiness domains of math, social skills, and self-regulation.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire, 3rd Edition (ASQ) is a developmental screener completed by families. It identifies children’s strengths and needs across five developmental domains, Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem-Solving, and Personal-Social. Use the crosswalks to review the alignment between the ASQ and STREAMin³.